The Town of Savoy has Immediate Job Openings for the Highway Department. Click here for more information.
Savoy’s Community Choice Power Supply Program

Regional Unpaved Roads Project
If you are experiencing issues on dirt roads such as washouts, erosion, wash boarding or rutting Berkshire Regional Planning Commission wants to hear from you!
Nomination Papers for Town Elections Available Now
Town Office-Administrative Assistant | Monday-Friday 9a-1p; Office Closed Wednesday |
Select Board Meetings | 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month at 5pm |
Assessor’s Office | 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the Month 5p -7p |
Tax Collector’s Office | Tuesday 6p-8p ; Saturday 8a – 10a |
Town Clerk’s Office | Tuesday 11a – 1p (or by appointment) |
Police Department | 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the Month 5p – 7p |